To Shipbrokers, Coal Was Black Gold.


Nations Are Born In The Hearts Of Poets, They Prosper And Die In The Hands Of Politicians.


Being Ignorant Is Not So Much A Shame, As Being Unwilling To Learn.


Success Is Not Final, Failure Is Not Fatal: It Is The Courage To Continue That Counts.


Watching the legend, Bright Chimezie, Zigima 1 of Africa perform at Flavors show in London, left me teary.

These were men who entertained and deserved to be celebrated!!!!
I love what this younger generation are doing for the older one's 😊🥰


Watching the legend, Bright Chimezie, Zigima 1 of Africa perform at Flavors show in London, left me teary.

These were men who entertained and deserved to be celebrated!!!!
I love what this younger generation are doing for the older one's 😊🥰


Watching the legend, Bright Chimezie, Zigima 1 of Africa perform at Flavors show in London, left me teary.

These were men who entertained and deserved to be celebrated!!!!
I love what this younger generation are doing for the older one's 😊🥰


Everything That We See Is A Shadow Cast By That Which We Do Not See.


A Goal Properly Set Is Halfway Reached.


The Golden Age Is Before Us, Not Behind Us.
