Science and technology

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Science encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment, and technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes

No one lights a candle and puts it under the bushel. It seems much is not being done in terms of communication and advocacy. It is not that science and technology is not being communicated, but it is not being communicated the way it should. In most cases, our researchers rely on the conventional media to disseminate their research outcomes, since the essence is primarily for promotion, not necessarily for how it can impact development. The cliché is ‘it is either you publish or perish’. To this end, media such as journals, conferences, workshops, monographs, books, etc are used to ventilate the outcomes of researches. After all, no one wants to perish. This thus reduces the impacts the outcomes of such researches could have had on the society. New media such as twitter, Facebook, Instagram, among others are hardly used by researchers let alone the mass mediated platforms such as newspapers, television, radio and so on. In this clime, not many researchers and scholars write columns in newspapers or host shows on radio/television to showcase what happens either in the laboratories or within the universities/research institutes. The resultant effect is that most of such outcomes end up on the bookshelves without getting to the end users who may translate it into development.
